Thursday, March 18, 2010

Meaning of color in a comfortable home

Color is personal taste that shows identity. Having a dream house comfortably with the preferred color is a desire for everyone. color would want to customize each one. Fantastic, will be the main goal for the owners.

Meaning of Blue color in a comfortable home,comfortable home
Meaning of blue color in a comfortable home. Near identical blue water and air elements. This color is associated with nature, symbolizing harmony and gives the impression the field. The use of blue can cause feelings of calm and cool. Strong blue color, can stimulate and facilitate the intuitive ability of meditation.

Meaning of pink color in a comfortable home,comfortable home
Meaning of pink color in a comfortable home. Pink shades of red are younger. Pink is the color of a warm, emotional, but also gentle and soothing. This color symbolizes not only love and feelings of love but also gives the impression youthful.

Meaning of red color in a comfortable home,comfortable home
Meaning of red color in a comfortable home. Warm red color and masculine. This color can attract attention and can generate energy. Red encouragement. Besides these colors seem sensual and luxurious. However, too much red color can stimulate anger and aggressiveness.

Meaning of orange color in a comfortable home,comfortable home
Meaning of orange color in a comfortable home. Orange has a character similar to the red, but more feminine and friendly. Color that symbolizes socialization, full of hope and confidence. Orange or orange also can encourage and can lead to positive feelings, happy, happy, and energized. Orange is believed to reduce feelings of depression or stress.

Meaning of yellow color in a comfortable home,comfortable home
Meaning of yellow color in a comfortable home. Like the sun, bright yellow and bright impressed. This color can create an openness. Yellow omen spirit and vitality, encouraging self-expression and inspiring. This color is suitable for office or study. Just use the yellow color quite right that will lead terrible impression.

Meaning of green color in a comfortable home,comfortable home
Meaning of green color in a comfortable home. Color shade and suitable for rest. This color usually associated with the refreshing nature, generate energy and also able to provide a calming effect. Shades of green can relieve stress, provide security and protection. If the light green color combined with white, the color will create a life. But when combined with the blue, would seem lonely and trapped.

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